#javaone11 Live Poll Results

I thought I would quickly share the results of the live audience poll I ran during the Community Keynote this morning at JavaOne.  Thanks to everyone who voted!  Two quick analysis bits – I was surprised that only 9% of JavaOne attendees regularly attend JUGS.  I was expecting a much higher number.  Also, It’s great to see that almost three quarters of the audience is into Java 6 and beyond, I was expecting more people to report they’re still working in earlier versions.

Java Version you used most in the past month? (n=164)
Java 7 = 8%
Java 6 = 77%
Java 5 = 13%
Earlier = 2%

Do you attend JUGs? (n=241)
Monthly = 9%
Quarterly = 11%
Rarely = 17%
Never = 64%

Do you participate in OpenJDK? (n=271)
Use Only = 25%
Contribute = 4%
No OpenJDK = 71%

If you don’t go to JUGs, why not? (n=201)
None near me = 23%
Too Busy = 52%
Perceived Value = 24%

Pace of Moving Java Forward (n=213)
Go Faster = 64%
Current Pace OK = 33%
Go Slower = 3%

About DonaldOJDK

This blog is for both personal and professional topics. Nothing here should be considered official for any past, present or future employer (or my wife and kids)!
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1 Response to #javaone11 Live Poll Results

  1. Pingback: How to build a successful Java User Groups (JUG) | Bistro!

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